Cook Edward John hosier and haberdasher and smallware dealer,
1 Waterhouse Lane and 1 Carr Lane; home Park Street
Cook Edward 1 Waterhouse Lane H
Cook Edward John 1 Carr Lane H
by James Pigot (1818)
Hull or Kingston-Upon-Hull, a borough, market-town, and sea-port in the east riding of the county of York, is situated on the western side of the river Hull, and the northern bank of the river Humber, at the distance of about 25 miles from the mouth of the latter, 173. N. of London, and 38 S. E. of York. It extends nearly two miles in length, in a direct line, in which extent is included the adjoining parish of Sculcoats; and to rather more than half that distance in a parallel direction towards Beverley. The town originated in the year 1296, under the immediate patronage of King Edward I who, on his triumphant return from Scotland, projected the foundation of a port, &c. at this place, then a small hamlet, called Wyke, and put his design immediately into execution. Peculiar privileges were granted to builders and residents, together with a royal charter, vesting the government in a warden and the body of freemen; and the new-formed town was distinguished by the appellation of Kingston, or Kingston-upon-Hull. So rapid was the progress of the place, that, in about sixty years from its foundation, it was called upon to furnish King Edward III with 16 ships and 466 men. In Leland's time it was a fair and well-built town ; and, according to Camden, it possessed stately edifices, strong fortresses, ships well equipped, a number of merchants, and abundance of all kinds of wealth, Hull consists of three principal divisions, formed by the intervention of the docks, which, occupying the greater part of the space where the walls formerly stood, nearly insulate the old town. That on the north side of the old dock is in the parish of Sculcoats; all its buildings have been erected within the last forty years, and form several spacious and handsome streets. A neat hall has been built for the administration of justice, &c. this part of the town being in the county of York, and not under the jurisdiction of the magistrates of Hull. The other division has arisen still more recently, and lies to the west of the Humber dock, occupying the situation of the ancient hamlets of Wyke and Myton; by which latter name it is now distinguished, and is included in the county of the town of Hull. A suburb also has lately sprung up, on the Holderness side of the river, in the parishes of Drypool and, Sutton, incompassing the garrison, and connected with the town by a bridge of four stone arches, rebuilt in 1787, with a draw bridge in the centre, which has lately been renewed on a very ingenious and novel construction, and is wide enough to admit, the largest vessels that have occasion to pass through it. The whole town stands on a level tract of ground, within a short distance of the Yorkshire wolds; the principal streets are broad and well paved, and in lighting and watching it is not inferior to any place in the kingdom. The edifices for religious worship belonging to the establishment are two parish churches, that of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary's ; with a chapel of ease, and the chapels of the Trinity-house and Charter-house. There are also various meeting-houses for the peculiar doctrines and worship of all the prevailing sects. The charitable institutions in Hull are numerous. The most ancient is that of the Trinity-house. It was incorporated by letters patent in the reign of Henry VI and its charters and grants have, at various subsequent periods, been renewed and extended. The fund is considerably increased by a monthly contribution of sixpence from every seaman sailing from this port; when superannuated, or disabled, they obtain relief, as do also their widows and children, from this charity. Several distinguished characters have been admitted to the freedom of this corporation, which is governed by wardens, brethren, and assistants. In a marine-school connected with it, thirty-six boys are, for three years, clothed and educated for the sea service; the guild also provides North-sea pilots for the royal navy, when required by Government.The charter-house hospital is worthy of particular notice; it was founded, together with an adjoining priory, by Michael de la Pole, for the support of a certain number of pensioners, denominated brothers and sisters; under the superintendance of a master, who enjoys a salary of £100. per annum, with a house and garden. Several other smaller hospitals, for similar purposes; are distinguished by the names of the respective founders, viz. Lister's, Gregg’s, Crowle's, Watson's (bishop of St. David's), Gee's, Harrison's, Ratcliff's, and Weaver's hospitals, The workhouse is a large building, commonly known by the name of Charity-ball. For the relief of the indigent sick and maimed, a General Infirmary was erected in 1782, by voluntary contributions. Here are likewise a free grammar-school, the Vicar's school, established by the Rev. W. Mason, father of the poet of that name; a school for girls, and a valuable institution for putting out poor boys apprentices, endowed by Alderman Coggan, and another for orphans, endowed by Alderman Ferris. Two handsome buildings have also been recently erected, capable of containing 500 boys and 250 girls, who are instructed with great success, according to the improved system of education. The chief part of the expence, as also that of several Sunday-schools and other charities, is defrayed by voluntary subscriptions. Among the public accommodations enjoyed by the inhabitants, may be reckoned the Barton boats, which cross the Humber every tide, to and from Barton, a distance of about seven miles. The commerce of Hull is inferior only to that of London and Liverpool. It sends at present thrice as many ships to the whale fishery as London; and, exclusive of the latter port, more than all Great Britain besides. The dock was undertaken in 1774, and is capable of containing 100 sail of square-rigged vessels; the new duck was completed under the title of the “Humber Dock,” in 1809, at the expence of £220,000. The manufactures of Hull are various and extensive ; one of the principal branches is that of expressing and refining oil from linseed, and preparing the residue for feeding cattle; the process is chiefly effected by mills worked by the wind. The largest and finest mills in the kingdom of this kind, both for the above purpose and for grinding corn, are to be found in great numbers near this town. An iron-foundry, two large sugar-houses, extensive soap and white lead manufactories, Greenland yards, numerous dry docks, shipbuilders' yards and rope-walks, are amongst the most important manufactories now existing in the town. The entire civil authority over the town, and the several places within what is denominated the county of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, a district of more than eighteen miles in circumference, is vested in the corporation, which now consists of the mayor, the recorder, twelve aldermen, the sheriff, two chamberlains, a town-clerk, a water-bailiff, and other officers, besides a high steward, who is generally some nobleman of rank. Hull returns two representatives to parliament. The population, according to the last census, is 29.516. The village of Sculcoats, though not in the county, may be considered as forming a part of the town of Hull; a portion of the old dock is included within it. The church is a meat uniform structure, rebuilt in the year 1760.