La Rimoldi Spa è stata fondata a Milano nel 1881 con il nome di Virginio Rimoldi & C. dal meccanico omonimo. Inizialmente costruisce macchine speciali esclusivamente per pellicceria. Nel 1930 l'azienda viene acquisita da Umberto Salanti che dà inizio alla produzione di macchine da cucire tecnologicamente avanzate. Nel 1957 Lo stabilimento di via Vespri Siciliani viene trasferito ad Olcella (MI), mentre rimangono a Milano, fino al 1980, i Servizi commerciale e amministrativo e la Direzione progetti. Nel 1973 la Rimoldi entra nel gruppo Rockwell International assumendo la denominazione di Rockwell-Rimoldi Spa. Alla fine degli anni '70 l'azienda inizia a subire la concorrenza tecnica e di mercato dei giapponesi: ciò porterà a ridimensionamenti del personale e a richieste di Cassa integrazione. Nel 1987 La Rockwell-Rimoldi viene acquistata da un gruppo di imprenditori assumendo la denominazione di Rimoldi Spa. 

Rimoldi was established 1n 1877 when Virgilio Rimoldi’ workshop started producing the first machines to sew hats, gloves and furs.Later they produced overlock machines and  than flat bed-, feed off the arm- and cup seaming machines, to complete the whole range.

The history of Rimoldi is very complex but we can sum it up briefly as follows:

1877: foundation of “Virgilio Rimoldi” workshop. In this workshop the first Italian industrial sewing machine - named Stella d’Italia – was especially designed for productions of hats, gloves and furs.

1938: Rimoldi produces the first overlock machine, by which it will be possible to sew and cut the exceeding fabric at the same time. Rimoldi overlocks have always been the best sewing machines all over the world thanks to excellent performances and high speed.

1952: Rimoldi produces the first flat bed machines to perform assembling, hemming and folding operations more than application of ribs, elastics and laces. The feed-off-the-arm machines will be the next, to be used for shirts, pyjamas, underwear and jeans, along with the cup seaming ones for producing furs, gloves, pullovers and slippers.

1973: Rimoldi joins Rockwell-International Group, an American giant located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

1990: Rimoldi proposes the FLEXSYSTEM LINE, introducing a new product concept: successful productivity results thanks to the flexibility of its sewing machines.

The history of CF ITALIA can be briefly summarized up as follows:

1924: CARLO FERRAZZI, an artisan textile shop, produces stands and driving systems for flat knitting machines in Gallarate.

1967: to fulfil Mr. Carlo Ferrazzi’s wishes, Antonio Pastorello – since then simple employee – become active partner in the Company. The workshop becomes a factory and starts selling industrial sewing machines, spare parts and accessories, assuring post-sale assistance to knitting and textiles companies, mostly concentrated in this area at that time.

31st of July, 1976: Antonio Pastorello purchased the Company and CF ITALIA sets up. These are the first years of the great Italian economic booming period. A Research & Development department is now working hard to develop accessories and folders, able to let a basic sewing machine provide flexible solutions to garment industry. CF ITALIA provided its customers with customised solutions, the main fashion brands in choosing the best possible sewing solutions.

In 2004  CF ITALIA  and  RIMOLDI’s  stories definitively intertwine.

Once Rimoldi Necchi is in a bad and stagnant situation it is incorporated in a little, but aggressive and internationally well known company, CF ITALIA, famous for its products and above all for the pre- and post-sale service which is granted to all customers all over the world. CF ITALIA is now able to complete its range of products and services and become a “full package services “company, able to offer solutions for all production problems.

In 2009, a new company named Rimoldi & CF incorporates and gives further strength and great support to the activity of production, sale, consultancy service, pre- and after-sale service, assuring the best service to the customers. The most important garment fields for Rimoldi & CF are: underwear, corsetry, shirts, jeans and sportswear, household textiles and seamless.