A MARKET-TOWN and parish, in the hundred of Totmanslow North, is seated at the
northern extremity of the county of Stafford, on a pleasant eminence near the river
Charnet ; is 154 miles distant from London and 31 from Manchester. ' The streets are
wide, well-paved and clean. The population is about 4000. Their chief employment
is in the manufacture of ribbons, silk-twist, buttons, ferrets, galloons, thrown silk, ban-2
dana and other handkerchiefs.--The church is an incient gothic structure, dedicated to
Edward the Confessor, and is supposed to have been built betwixt that time and the con
-quest. It is built of stone, has two ailes, a square tower with six bells, and a clock
with a most excellent set of chimes; it has also two handsome ornamented circular
windows. In the year 1816 eight pinnacles were added to the tower, several parts of
the exterior of the edifice decorated with ornaments, and the interior underwent a
thorough repair. There is a mural monument of white marble in the chancel, to the
memory of John Daintry, who died on the 23rd. of August, 1758, aged 58 years, and
several other individuals of that family. In the church-yard is an ancient stone-cross,
the shaft of which is about ten feet in height. It has been called Danish from the “ima
gery and fret-work,” as Mr. Gough observes, with which it is ornamented.—Leek
church is a vicarage in the patronage of the Earl of Macclesfield. The Rev. Richard
Bentley is the present minister.——Leek is remarkable for the following phenomenon:—
By the intervention of a rocky mountain, at a considerable distance westward of the
town, the sun sets twice in the evening at a certain time of the year; for after it sets
behind the top of the mountain, it again breaks out on the northern side of it, which
is steep, before it reaches the horizon in its fall.--Blue-hills, in the neighbourhood of
Leek, abound with coal-mines; a salt-spring also issues from one of them.——William
Badnall, Esq. silk dyer, of Leek, left by will dated the 11th. January, 1806, £1000. to be
vested in the public funds, the interest of which is to be annually laid out in bedding,
clothing, or other necessaries, to be distributed on the 5th. day of November, among
twenty poor widows resident in Leek and Lowe, who are not less than 60 years of age.
——The alms-house is a curious piece of gothic architecture, situate in the Compton.
Each poor widow is allowed 2s. 6d. per week, fuel, and a new gown once in two years.
There is also a free-school with a small endowment ; a Sunday-school for the Established
Church, one for the Methodists, and one for the Calvinists.--On Tuesday the 3rd. Dec.
, 1745, O.S. the Scotch rebel army, commanded by Charles Edward Stuart, and the Dukes
of Perth, Athol, &c. marched through Leek on their way to Derby, and returned on the
Saturday following ——Market-day, Wednesday. There are nine annual fairs, viz. on
the Wednesday before the 13th. of February, Wednesday in Easter-week, May 18th.
Wednesday in Whitsun-week, July 3rd. and 28th. Nov. 13th. nearest Wednesday to St.
Iluke, and Wednesday after Christmas-day; there is also a cheese fair once a month, and
a fat cattle market, from July 28th, to Christmas, held once a fortnight on the market-day.