According to Camden and others, originally written Hampton, till the Lady Wul
frºna, relict of Athelm, Duke of Northampton, in the days of King Ethelred, founded a
mºnastery to the honour of the Virgin, whence it was called Wulfrunshampton, and now
Wolverhampton. It is situated 124 miles from London, 90 from Bristol, 88 from Liverpool,
68 from Manchester, 30 from Shrewsbury, and 14 from Birmingham.—This town, by far
the most considerable in the county of Stafford, is in the hundred of Scisdom, and has for
ages been celebrated for its manufactures of various kinds of iron goods. At the present
time they consist of almost every description of articles used in building, cabinet furniture,
&c. &c. Brass foundry in its greatest variety, with nearly every species of goods mann
factured in brass, iron, and steel.--A very large mill, called the Union Mill, was built
in 1813, by subscription, in shares of £1. each, (and amounting to about 14,000) for
grinding corn, and supplying the proprietors and public with flour and bread; which is
done to the great satisfaction of the poor, and the benefit of the subscribers.--Wolver
hampton, from its great local advantages of having some of the best mines in the kingdom
of iron, coal, and lime close to it, as well as various canals running in every direction,
carries on a very considerable trade in the articles manufactured in the neighbouring
towns and villages, as well as in those of its own. Lying in the great road from Ireland
through Shrewsbury to the metropolis, as well as from Liverpool, Manchester, Chester,
&c. there is much traffic and communication carried on with these places, and upwards
of twenty coaches daily pass through it, from and to these respective places.——It has a
Collegiate Church, founded in 996, originally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but in the
time of Henry III. altered to St. Peter; according to which last dedication the fair and .
wake are annually held. It was by Edward IV, united to the Deanery of Windsor, and
the Dean of Windsor has since that time been Dean likewise of Wolverhampton.——There.
is also a handsome new church, or chapel of ease, built in 1758, dedicated to St. John ;
together with six meeting-houses, belonging to different classes of disseuters, and a chapel
for the use of the Roman catholics. There is a Free Grammar School, founded by Sir
Stephen Jennings, alderman of London, (lord mayor in 1508) where boys are educated in
French, German, Greek, and Latin, besides writing, arithmetic, &c. There are several
masters, and the income is nearly £12,00. per annum.—The town is governed by two
constables, one of which is chosen at the Court Leet of the Dean, the other at that of the
temporal lord.—The parish is in extent 30 miles, contains 17 villages, the population
of which is near 40,000. In the town itself are contained about 16,000. The market
day, on Wednesday, is very abundantly supplied with all kinds of provisions, which are
disseminated over the neighbourhood, amongst a population not short of 60,000. Th
town is nearly surrounded by gardens, which add much to the health and pleasure of
the inhabitants.