by James Pigot (1818)
Doncaster is situated on the river Don, from which it takes its name, and over which it has two
bridges, is a place of great antiquity. It appears from an ancient itinerary, that the Cris
pian horse were stationed here, while the Romans where in Britain. The situation of
town is remarkably pleasant, and contains many handsome buildings in a superior style of
architecture. Manufactories of cotton and wool-spinning are established here, but the
principal business of the town arises from its thoroughfare, situation, and populous neigh
w bourhood. ... The church is a very ancient structure, and the steeple is greatly admired for
its extraordinary workmanship. Besides the church there are also five dissenters chapels—
one for presbytarians, one for quakers, one for calvinists, and two for methodists. The
mansion-house is a very spacious and elegant stone edifice. The government of the town
is, by charter from James II. vested in a mayor, recorder, twelve aldermen, and twenty
four common council, and formerly sent representatives to parliament. There is a free
grammar school, an alms house for aged persons, a work-house, and a dispensary for
the relief of the sick poor in the town and neighbourhood. . On the south entrance to the
town is the race course. Doncaster is situated 164 miles from London, and 37 south of
York, has a market on Saturday, and fairs on 5th of April and 5th of
August, and the
population, according to the last census, is 7753.