A CONSIDERABLE manufacturing town, in the west riding of Yºshire, pleasanthy

situated on the banks of the river Rother, and near its continence wiſ; the Ton; over

which it has a fine stone bridge. On the west side of the bridge is a vištage called Mas

borough, now a suburb of Rotherham, famous for the imanufactare of all* of beat aud 

 cast iron articles. The iron bridges lately erected at Bishopwearmouth, Yarm, Staines,

and across the river Thames at London, were all cast at Rotherham. There are also

manufactories of steel, tin, glass, earthen ware, &c.—The church is built of red stone, in

form of a cathedral, and has a handsome square tower, surmounted by a rich frosted spire.

Here are also other places of worship'; and in the year 1481, Thomas Scott, or Thomas of

Rotherham, Archbishop of Yok, established a college in this place, which is now used as


a&c. grammar Fairs,school.—— Whit-Monday Market andday, the first Monday; of December. a very considerable Population one about for3000. corn, fat cattle,