This list of patents is far than be complete, further researches will be done, including patents for Needles and Knitting Machines.

Number of applications for patents during the year ...................... 6.972

Patents issued during the year ...................................................... 5.020




US 41.050                                 I. Banister

Improvement in Thread-Waxing Apparatus for Sewing-Machines and other Purposes.

January 5, 1864


US 41.272                                   H. Bland

Tension Device for Sewing Machines.

January 19, 1864


US 41.393                                  A. Pilbeam

Improvements in Sewing Machine Stands or Tables.

January 26, 1864


MARCH 1864


US 41.923                                 C. R. Jackson

A new Sewing Machine Stitch for Button-Holes or over the Edge of a Fabric formed with a single thread.

March 15, 1864


US 42.043                                   H. L. Brown

Gathering Mechanism for Sewing Machines.

March 22, 1864


APRIL 1864


US 42.184                                   G. Fowler

Sewing Machine Cloth Holder. A new and useful Seam-Holder.

April 5, 1864


US 42.318                                 N. D. Stoops

Sewing Machine Table.

April 12, 1864


US 42.502                              Charles  Parham

Button-Hole Sewing Machine Two Threads

My invention relates to the construction and operation of certain mechanism applied to a sewing  machine, whereby the same machine may be used for working button-holes, as well as for sewing plain seams. 

April 26, 1864


US 42.615                      G. Wisler & C. H. Peters

A new and useful Binding Attachment to Sewing Machines.

May 3, 1864


US 42.622                        G. McKay & L. R. Blake

Improvement in Sewing Turns by Machinery for boots and shoes.

May 3, 1864


US 42.657                                  F. Henry

Improvement in Corders for use on Sewing-Machines.

May 10, 1864


US 42.706                                W.  Weitling

Sewing Machine Shuttle.

May 10, 1864


US 42.754                             William C. Dodge

Improvements in Household Implements - Adjustable Caster

This invention consists in attaching caster wheels to sewing tables or articles of furniture in such a manner that by means of a connecting rod and lever the said article of furniture may be raised so as to be readily moved on the casters, or be set solid on the floor at pleasure. We learn from the inventor that this invention is to be applied shortly to some of Wheeler & Wilson's machines.

May 17, 1864


US 42.801                                S. P.  Sleppy

Tension Indicator for Sewing Machines.

May 17, 1864


US 42.810                               J. H.  Walker

Welt Gage for Sewing Machines.

 May 17, 1864


US 42.846                                 H.  Folsom

This invention is principally applicable to that class of sewing machines employed on boot and shoe work.

 May 24, 1864


US 42.876                                 T.  Robjohn

Sewing Machine Guide.

May 24, 1864


US 42.877                                 T.  Robjohn

 Sewing Machine Guide.

May 24, 1864


US 42.916                        G. McKay  &  L. R. Blake

Improvement in Sewing Machine for sewing on the Soles of Boots and Shoes.

May 24, 1864


US 42.989                                S. B.  Cochran

Binding Guide for Sewing Machines.

May 31, 1864


JUNE 1864


US 43.077                        G. McKay  &  L. R. Blake

Thread Waxer for Sewing Machines.

June 7, 1864


US 43.209                              A.  Holbrook, jr.

Improvement in Devices for Heating Waxed Threads in Sewing Machines.

June 21, 1864


US 43.210                                A. C.  Kasson

Improvement in Bobbin Winders for Sewing Machine

June 21, 1864


US 43.289                            H. H.  Chittenden

Braiding Attachment for Sewing Machine

June 28, 1864


US 43.355                               J. A.  Wagener

Braid Guide for Sewing Machine

June 28, 1864


JULY 1864


US 43.426                                   C. Patch

Sewing Machine Shuttles

July 5, 1864 


US 43.514                                W. A.  Mack

Feeding Devices for Sewing Machine

 July 12, 1864


US 43.551                                T.  Williams

Driving Mechanisms for Sewing Machine, &c. 

 July 12, 1864


US 43.636                             William  H.  Carr

Burr for Knitting Machine

Assignor to himself  &  Nelson P. Akin

July 26, 1864


September 3, 1878                 US RE 8.391

Assignor to George Campbell & John Clute


US 43.641                                J. P.  Herron

Improvement in Devices for Starting Sewing Machines, &c.

 July 26, 1864


US 43.657                                 C. H.  Wilcox

Hemmer for Sewing Machine

July 26, 1864




US 43.839                          Frederick  H.  Drake

Thread-Winding Devices for Sewing Machines Bobbins

 August 16, 1864




US 44.217                              Charles  Parham

Button-Hole Sewing Machine Two Threads

... Letters Patent US 42.502 for improvements in sewing machines and dated April 26, 1864, were granted to me, in which many of the parts and operations of my present invention may be found and I do not propose to again describe or fully represent all of those parts and operations, but simply the improvements which I have made on said patented invention and so much of the machine as will illustrate the locality and action of the improved parts. The nature of my present invention consists, first, in a needle-guard attached to the shuttle carrier for the purpose of keeping or throwing the needle back in its recess and clear of the shuttle. The needle often, when its point strikes upon the edge of or upon the seam of any material being sewed, will glance off or out of its recess and the shuttle will then strike or catch under it and break or bend it. This guard is designed to prevent this casualty, and effectually does so...

September 13, 1864


US 44.339                                 J.  Ramsay

Brading Guides for Sewing Machine

 September 20, 1864


US 44.465                                 A. M.  Smith

Improvements in Mechanism for Starting Sewing Machines. 

 September 27, 1864


US 44.490                                 C. H.  Wilcox

Improvements applied to a single-thread or chain-stitch machine, may also be used with any other kind of sewing machine having some characteristics.

 September 27, 1864


US 44.491                                 C. H.  Wilcox

Improvements in Sewing Machines.

 September 27, 1864




US 44.686                                  J. D.  Dale

Improvement in Running-Stitch Sewing Machines.

 October 11, 1864


US 44.720                                M. C.  Gritzner

 Improvements in Sewing Machines.

October 18, 1864




US 44.889                                  W.  Preiss

Improvements in Sewing Machines.

 November 1, 1864


US 44.909                              J.  Zuckerman

Improvement in Friction-Brake for Power Sewing Machines.

November 1, 1864


US 44.982                     E. H. Smith  &  D. E. Chapman

Improvements in Sewing Machines with curved needle and shuttle.

  November 8, 1864


US 45.059                                  W. A.  Mack

Sewing Machine

  November 15, 1864


US 45.145                           Henry J. Dickerson

Glove Cutting Machine

This invention relates to a new and improved device or machine for cutting out gloves preparatory to sewing the same for market or for use. The invention consists in a peculiar construction and arrangement of the cutters and their attachment to a bed-plate and also in the manner of connecting the latter to the Cross-head of a press, whereby several advantages are obtained over the machines hitherto used for the purpose, as will be hereinafter set forth.

November 22, 1864


US 45.236                                 J. G.  Folsom

The object of my invention is to improve the sewing machine by a new method of bringing about the adjustment of the lower needle relatively to the upper needle and by a new method of securing the lower needle or looper to its shaft.

November 29, 1864


US 45.278                              G.  Stackpole, jr.

Improvements in Sewing Machines.

 November 29, 1864




US 45.422                           G. McKay & L. Blake

Improvements in Sewing Machines.

 December 13, 1864


US 45.477                                L. T.  Conant

Basting Gage for Sewing Machines.

December 20, 1864


US 45.528                              De Witt C. Smith

Improvement in Sewing Machines.

 December 20, 1864


US 45.628              T. W. Pepper, L. Planer & J. Kayser

Improvements in Sewing Machines.

December 27, 1864





USRE 1.616                   E. A. Goodes  &  E. L. Miller

Button-Hole Sewing Machine One Thread or Two Thread

The invention of the said Goodes and Miller consists, first, of a needle or loop-catcher so constructed, so arranged on a sewing machine and having such a movement that it will hold a loop of thread and convey the same from the under side of the fabric and upward across the edge of the same; secondly, in the combination of the said needle or loop-catcher with an eye-pointed needle and a hook or its equivalent; thirdly, in the combination of the said eye-pointed needle, the said loop-catcher or needle, the hook and an elastic tongue.

The above devices, which are fully described hereinafter, have been designed for forming a stitch over the edge of a fabric, or a buttonhole stitch, with one or two threads, substantially in the manner described hereinafter 

Assignors to:

C. S. Patterson, E. Pincus, A. Hart, M. Moore, A. Mitchell and H. H. Reed

February 9, 1864

Specification forming part of Letters Patent

US 24.863                                July 26, 1859


USRE 1.805                            Kasimir  Vogel

Button-Hole Sewing Machine Two Thread

The first part of my invention relates to the forming of seams suitable for button-holes or edging that the threads which pass around and over and form the edge shall be interlaced or united on both sides of the material with the seam which is formed through the material by the side of the edge and this part of my invention consists in combining with the eye-pointed needle, which carries its thread through the material for forming the seam within the edge, or what is to become the edge, a suitable instrument operating above the material and a suitable instrument operating below the material for interlacing or uniting the thread which forms the edge with the thread which forms the seam within the edge. The second part of my invention relates to the introduction of a thread or cord, termed a "bar", on the surface of the material and under, the thread or threads that connect two seams, or under the thread or threads that pass around the edge and extend to the seam with in the edge and this part of my invention consists in the employment of a suitable guide or guides for introducing and laying a thread or cord, termed a "bar", on one or both surfaces of the material and under the connecting thread or threads, in combination with the sewing mechanism or the equivalent thereof and the mechanism or the equivalent thereof for passing the thread or threads over and across the said bar or bars.

Assignor to the Union Button Hole and Embroidery Machine Company

November 1, 1864

Specification forming part of Letters Patent

US 25.692                           October 4, 1859





USD 1.902               Charles A. Shaw & James R. Clark

Design for a Sewing Machine

February 16, 1864






                       1842   1843   1844   1845   1846   1847   1848   1849   

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    1860   1861   1862   1863   1864   1865   1866   1867   1868   1869   

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Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1864